Global Warming is Happening: Surviving Retirement

If you are retired and live on a fixed income, don't fall into a trap of ignoring the entire global warming concept. According to surveys, two-third of Americans believe in a scientists disagreement on the issue. You might be surprised, but today scientists agreement on climate change exceeds 99%. Global warming is happening. The consequences are terrifying.

Water deficiency leads to a farming crisis in the drought states. Did you know that 90 percent of the broccoli, distributed in the United States, is grown in California, along with 99% of artichokes, 99% of walnuts, 97% of kiwis, 97 % of plums, 95% of celery, 95% of garlic, 89% of cauliflower, 71% of spinach, and 69% of carrots (the list goes on)? There is no other state, or a combination of climate and soil can outmatch California's production per acre. Lemons and Spinach California's supply is 55 percent higher than in any other state. If California farming fails to meet demand, prices will sky-rocket across the country.

While Jerry Brown, the Governor of California, ordered mandatory water cuts for residents, agriculture was exempted from new rules, even though farms are the biggest water users. Not everyone likes this measure, but if you think of a bigger picture, agricultural exemption prevents food and vegetable prices to become volatile shortly. 25% water cuts in California during the state of historic drought means a different world where "we have to act differently", said Jerry Brown.

Changing lawns to a drought-tolerant landscape is the big step toward global warming survival. Cutting down an outdoor irrigation saves more than a half of water usages for an average household.  As far as options for waterless landscape go, artificial grass installed in your front and backyard can save you gallons of water every day. Synthetic surfaces made by AllGreen Grass can last twenty years or longer under standard residential use. It means water compliance with the state requirements and no maintenance fees. Artificial grass looks and feels better than semi-arid desert with concrete pavement, or a rock garden. If you have dogs, you don't have to worry about dust on your kitchen floor nor brown or dead spots of your lawn. The time of old astroturf that looks more like a short-fiber outdoor carpet is gone.

Today, we have more than 75 different types of fake grass that come in various colors, shades, heights and backing for any custom application. If you like to play golf, you can choose to transform your backyard into a tranquil golf course. If you have a dog, our pet turf is the cost-effective, environmentally friendly surface that allows any liquids including a dog urine to drain quickly through the backing leaving no smell and no residue behind.

In the last decade, artificial grass lawns became popular across the United States, not only in California, Nevada, Texas and New Mexico. Earlier, synthetic turf solutions were available only for commercial applications due to the high costs of material and installation, today we provide cost-effective solutions to homeowners and small businesses that can fit any budget and taste. Synthetic lawns significantly cut water bills and eliminate the need of lawn maintenance. If you are retired and getting ready to retire and keep you bills down, we suggest you to put artificial grass on your big investment list.
August 14, 2015   |   Water Conservation, California Water, California Drought, Energy Conservation, Saving Money, Drought In California, How To Save Money, Drought California, Drought

Homeowners Associations: Can I Install Artificial Grass?

Question: The homeowner's association in my "planned community" does not allow artificial grass in my yard. What are my options?

Answer: You should point the administration of your HOA to a new extension AB 349 of the bill AB 2104 by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego. AB 2104 required a common interest developments to adopt a updated model ordinance regarding water-efficient landscapes that are effective in conserving water. New assembly bill AB 349 prohibits HOAs impose a fine or assessment on separate interest owners for use of artificial grass or any other synthetic surface that resembles grass, unless your homeowner association uses recycled water for landscape irrigation.

"We face a very real water shortage that challenges many of our old habits, and there's nothing fake about our responsibility to find ways to conserve wherever we can," Gonzalez said. "All Californians have tough benchmarks for reducing their water use, and it's our job to make sure homeowners have every opportunity to achieve the conservation we need."

At the time of California historic drought, this act is an urgency statue shall go into immediate effect. Numerous homeowner associations discriminated and fined homeowners who attempted to replace their water-thirsty lawns with synthetic grass.

Morrison Ranch Estates Homeowners' Association fined Agoura Hills homeowner, Greg Greenstein who replaced the grass on his property with artificial grass in his effort to conserve water, with more than $4,000 and demanded to remove the new lawn.

Rancho Pacifica, a gated community of multimillion-dollar homes in the hills east of Del Mar, prohibited a retired couple, Brian and Frances Holloway, who live in a palatial 9,000-square-foot Mediterranean to get rid of the water- sucking front lawn. They fine them $50 per day until the lawn removal.

La Costa Valley HOA, Carlsbad, CA turned down Val Buonaiuto, who planned to install artificial grass in his front yard.

In Carlsbad, California James Zemel installed synthetic lawns in his front and backyards. According to LAtimes he spent $14,000, and his monthly bill has dropped to $38. His water district sent him a thank you letter for his conservation effort. However, his HOA has demanded to remove the grass from his front yard, and threaten him with fines and legal action.

Las Costa Green HOA is one of the few in San Diego County that allows fake grass on front lawns. Its resident, Rocky Wilson, grandfathered synthetic grass installation in his home, in 2006.

The first bill didn't include artificial grass as a part of the water-efficient landscape. Gonzales said she held back because of Brown's past opposition to protections. In 2011, the governor said individual HOAs should make the decision, not state government. Residents outside of homeowners associations are free to install fake grass with few, if any, restrictions. But in 2015, California found itself in the fourth year of severe and potentially devastating drought.

Landscape irrigation, according to the Department of Water Resources draws 43 percent of residential water use. The installation of artificial grass, instead of traditional landscapes and lawns, can directly decrease outdoor water use to support the Governor's mandated 25-percent statewide water use reduction.

During the state of emergency, declared by Jerry Brown on July 1, 2015, homeowners associations are prohibited to fine and discriminated the members who are installing artificial grass on their front lawns. Throughout California, homeowners are subject to strict water conservation ordinances. While in the middle of a water deficiency crisis, homeowner associations are not allowing members to perform deliberate sacrifices and are still forcing them to keep grass lawns, and fining them. AB 349 ensures that all homeowners have the right to conserve water by replacing grass with artificial turf.

The bill stated that "Property owners who pursue water conservation should be encouraged, not sued or fined. Thus, this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety."

August 10, 2015   |   Water Conservation, California Drought, Drought In California, Drought California, Drought

How Do You Feel About California's Water Restrictions?

Al Madrigal, L.A. resident, wasn't in mood to discuss California drought with Jon Stewart.

"I'm sick of it," - he says. "Back home it's all we talk about. We use to go to dinner and discuss movies. Which stars are secretly gays. But now it's just - "How long was your shower. Did you use a backet? Hey, that's a guy whose lawn is green. Call the cops! "

Man, it feels good! I am taking an advantage of your unregulated East Coast Water-topia! Man, it feels good!

Jon, I have to get it out of my system before I go home and slip the recycled toilet water.

I haven't wasted water like this in years!

I am going to paint this town wet, Jon!

Named Best Stand-Up Comedian by the HBO/U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Al Madrigal's comedy has been called "dynamic" by The New York Times. His unique, spontaneous and fast-paced lyrical storytelling style has made him a regular on television with numerous appearances on Comedy Central including his own half-hour Comedy Central Presents Special and appearances on John Oliver's New York Stand-up Show and Pretend Time with Nick Swardson. Al has also appeared with Conan O'Brien (as one of the first 20 guests during his stint as host of "The Tonight Show," and on "Conan" on TBS) as well as multiple appearances on ""Lopez Tonight," "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

June 11, 2015   |   California Water, California Water, California Drought, California Drought, Water Scarcity, Water Scarcity, Drought In California, Drought In California, Drought California, Drought California, Drought, Drought

Can You Tell Real or Fake? 19 out of 20 people make a mistake...

Take a look at the picture above. Is the lawn real or fake? 19 out of 20 people make a mistake. Test yourself.

June 8, 2015   |   Artificial Grass, Artificial Grass, Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Lawn Care, Lawn Care, Grass Carpet, Grass Carpet

Desert Landscape

If you are living in a hot and dry climate, searching for the appropriate desert plants can be one of your great choices. Even though you cannot grow hybrid flowers, yet there is plenty of ornamental grass, cacti, and succulents that will let you make a spectacular garden. Usually, these plants desert plants don't take a lot of care, obliging little water and general they are amazingly independent and hardy. At the end of the day, these sorts of plants are great workhorses that will flourish in parched or desert areas.

So for those who really love gardening, and searching for a garden design ideas. Listed below are some of the desert plants that you can use. These are as follows:


Sedum is another type of plant that are perfect to utilize in any patio nursery or scene attempt. These are the top options for a desert garden, or wherever where water may be rare, the sun's beams are relentless and long, hot days are the standard.

Postman, Autumn Joy, and Matrona are every top varieties of Sedum that may survive in harsh locations and long stretches of the dry spell. Matrons and Autumn Joy have a thick, meaty green leaves that hoard accessible water for the plants to utilize later on. In the late spring and fall, the plants light up the desert scene with bright splashes of red and pink blossoms.


A cactus is a kind of plants that you may utilize for gardening in the desert since it is very dependable. Aside from that, there are varieties of cacti that are accessible for your gardening to choose from. There are colorful and small cacti while the others grow very large. By this, you may utilize an unusual or large shaped of the cactus plant in your garden ideas.

The Cast Iron Plant

This plant appears to be effectively unyielding and its leaves that are sword-shaped add attraction and speculate to garden design ideas.

The Desert Ornamental Grasses

Zebra grass, Buffalo grass, and Maiden grass are the excellent options for a desert garden. These grasses make little stipulates and might stand a diversity of unpleasant temperature, water and soil conditions. On the other hand, the airy spears of grass append an ethereal value to the garden design.

The Aloe Vera Plant

This plant is also famous in the garden, desert since they are not just capable to grow vigorously in dry climates, yet you may also utilize its leaf by breaking it off when you have rashes or sunburn to alleviate your skin with the clout that oozes away. Another good thing about this plant is that, even though you don't put a lot of water and proper maintenance of it, they can able for a long period in the heat and drought without being damaged.

If you are a gardener or if you want to be a gardener, you can keep in mind these desert plants that you can efficiently use for your garden desert ideas. Aside from that fact, that they require minimal care, you can also take advantage from its different usage not just for your garden but also for yourself.

June 2, 2015   |   Backyard Ideas, Backyard Ideas, Landscape Ideas, Landscape Ideas, Landscape Design, Landscape Design, Desert Landscaping, Desert Landscaping, Backyard Landscape Ideas, Backyard Landscape Ideas, Desert Landscape, Desert Landscape

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

It is confusing to think that, why do dogs eat grass, despite with the fact that they are carnivores. Is it because they are hungry or is it because the grass has a substance that cannot be found in a produced dog food? However, eating grass is a canine natural behavior, even though few owners might be astonished as few dogs don't show this kind of behavior.

On the other hand, the foxes and wolves, which is the progenitors of this contemporary time, domesticated the dogs that eat the entire component of their prey. At this line, the prey may become a plant that eats an animal. The plants and grasses in the intestines of the herbivores are scuffed by the dog. In the wild, where the food is insufficient, the entire parts of the prey will be eaten by the dogs. As a consequence, the plants and grass turn out to be a usual aspect of a dog diet since they have assimilated a savor for grass.

Furthermore, there is no exact reason does the current day dogs eat grass. Mutually, sick and healthy dogs are rarely seen masticating cutting edges of grass. Even if it was wondered that because domesticated dogs are doesn't longer require to hound in order to carry on, the diet is nourished discrepancy. That's why dogs eat grass in order to obstruct their nourished discrepancy. And maybe this is one of the main reasons why do few vicinity occupants give their dogs grass add-ons.

For instance, if ever that you allow your dog to take over in your garden or yard, they can have the opportunity to chomp on a nibble of grass just like a large plate of salad. Fortunately, dogs almost eat anything such as the animal poop or even their own poop, the food that is inside in your waste cans, and even the disclosed animals that are dead, contains an appetizing taste for them. No doubt that these animals experience stomach distressed every so often. Aside from that, a dog also eats grass to stimulate their sickness. Actually, this is one of their methods of driving out the substances that did not concur in their digestive systems.

So for those dog owners, you don't have to be worried if you see your dog eating consistently a grass. Besides, eating a grass is much okay unlike to eating poop, right? But, it is still essential for the dog owners to assure that the grass that is eaten by your dog is free from any kind of toxic elements, which might be very dangerous for your dog's health. It is also vital, to stop your dog from munching on grass that is freshly scattered with herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides.

Additionally, few dogs can do something as if that they are munching grass, but the truth is that, they just only smell the whiff of the other animals to gain information, if who are passing in their areas.
May 29, 2015   |   Artificial Grass For Dogs, Dog Park, Pet Paradise, Dog Run, Dog Hospital, Hotel For Dogs, Dogs, Fake Grass For Dogs, Indoor Dog Park, Dog Pound, Pictures Of Dogs

Do You Like To Mow The Lawn? Then You Better Think Twice Before You Do It

As many people waits for spring to come, many of the people also are beginning to mow their lawn. Hence, towards the end of the midyear a year ago, homeowner's gas lawn mower had been running rather drowsily. Much like snow blowers, people found that there are two ways you can go when acquiring a lawn mower.

You can either go for the old school system with the gas-controlled mower or you can go the most present day course and buy an electric lawn mower. Before you go to a store and purchase whichever you think sounds best, try to take a second to consider the disadvantages of whichever type of mower you choose. You might want to read this fact just before you headed your way.

An Electric mower comes into two different types: the cordless and the corded. Even if there are some advantages of having an electric mower, it cannot deny the fact that is can also be an advantage not just for you but also to your family and environment.

Hence, a gas lawn mower is an old type of lawn mower that uses gas. Therefore, it is not very effective when it comes to your finances and whatever type of mower you choose, the new lawn mower or the old type of mower they contain some disadvantage that can bring harm. Below you can find the disadvantages of a mower.

Lawn mowers are not environmentally friendly

Even the if you use a new type of lawn mower that does not produce smoke, there are still harmful chemical that are released once you use it. However when compared to an old lawn mower, the new lawn more produces less smoke.

Lawn care takes time or you need to pay maintenance fees

When damage occurs to your lawn mower, therefore you need to have it repaired. Lawn mower repair is not as cheap as you think it would be. Furthermore, once you bought a lawn mower, you must be prepared of its maintenance and having it maintain might take a lot of money. So if you want to have a lawn mower you got to be ready for this kind of event.

It damages water system

If your lawn mower runs to your run system, it can damage it and possibly completely destroy it. As a result, more of your money will be wasted for the water system repair and at the same time your lawn mower repair.

Riding a lawn mower

You can get injuries once you slip in the lawn mower. It is not perfectly safe for driving and especially it is not safe mowing the lawn with your children because accident might happen and that accident might be connected to your children.

In conclusion, whatever lawn mower you choose, it can only bring harm. Therefore, the only solution to your problem is having a synthetic lawn. A synthetic lawn doesn't need to be mowed. In addition, it can save you lots of money and your family is far from danger. Not only that, you can also contribute to the cleanliness of the environment because it doesn't need any lawn maintenance, lawn services, or fertilizers.

May 28, 2015   |   Lawn Service, Lawn Service, Yard Maintenance, Yard Maintenance, Lawn Mower, Lawn Mower, Riding Lawn Mowers, Riding Lawn Mowers, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Mowers, Fertilizer, Fertilizer, Lawn Equipment, Lawn Equipment, Lawncare, Lawncare, Lawn Treatment, Lawn Treatment

Time for a Barbeque!

Almost every person wants to live in a beautiful house and at the same time have a beautiful yard to look at. Hence, the very essence of a magnificent yard is having an attractive grass. But, what if your grass seems to be unpleasant? What is your yard has no grass at all? How can you now enjoy your beautiful house without you're an attractive yard?

Today, there is quite the best solution for that problem. You can have a beautiful lawn with the use of synthetic. A synthetic grass is just what you need to improve your house attraction plus enjoy the beauty of the outdoor. It doesn't stop there you can also acquire more benefits from your fake lawn when it comes to a BBQ party.

That not all, there are a lot more benefits that you can acquire once you choose to have an artificial grass.

  • It can last up to twenty years even if it is used as a walkway because the grass is very durable. No more muddy dog's paws and shoes to clean muddy areas and you cannot slip. You don't have to worry about taking care of your lawn because its fake that means no more replacing dead patch, watering it and many more.
  • It can also save you a lot of money and you can be a great help towards the environment because you don't have to water or mow the grass, or you won't need a pesticide or fertilizer just to take good care of your lawn.
  • You have only one thing that needs to be done. Just to install them.
  • You can also help reduce the water supply in your area because you don't have to water the grass anymore. When you have a fake lawn, therefore, you don't have to use any sprinklers.
  • Moreover, if you compare the amount, you will spend for taking care of your grass than having a fake lawn. You will see that having a fake lawn is more affordable than your natural green grass.
  • So, what do you think? Is a synthetic lawn the best? Having a synthetic grass also benefits your family. The grass is so attractive that it will tempt you and your family to go out and have fun on your backyard. Hence, having an awesome grass means you can also have a barbeque grill.

    With the help of a fake lawn, you don't have to be bother by anything. In fact, you can invite your friends to a backyard family and you cannot be ashamed of having them because your house looks very amazing with a fake lawn. Above all, the thing you must do now is get yourself a synthetic lawn for your family to enjoy.

    May 27, 2015   |   BBQ, BBQ, Barbecue, Barbecue, Barbecuing, Barbecuing

    Water Management Using Artificial Turf

    Water Management Using Artificial Turf

    The need to conserve water has become one of the major concerns of governments and organizations when it comes to environment protection and preservation. It is never too late for people to help in preservation of the existing water resources. Water management is now further enhanced with the use of the best alternative to natural grass when it comes to landscaping. This is no other than the installation of artificial turf.

    Why Most People Turn to Artificial Grass?

    Many people love to have landscapes on their houses and even in their commercial establishments. If you are after saving more money, you should realize the beauty and usefulness of artificial grass. Switching to synthetic grass will not just help you save money but it will also aid you to contribute in water conservation.

    Natural grass is hardly in need of maintenance whereas during the summer season, the natural grass will require maintenance almost each day. But, with artificial grass, you will be able to save time that you can use for other important activities that you may have instead of watering and moving your lawn. By installing artificial grass, the application of harmful pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers will be completely eliminated.

    Artificial grass does not need to be watered and mowed so you will surely save a lot in terms of water consumption. Since today that the whole world is suffering from inadequate water supply, it is very important to look for solutions that can help conserve water. With synthetic grass, there is no more need for fertilizing, watering and reseeding. Hence, the use of this alternative has become the major solution for saving millions of liters of water. Artificial grass in the long run will pay for itself in terms of maintenance savings, aside from its ability to help in conserving water, and give a very pleasing and green surface year round.

    There are tons of benefits that you can get when installing residential synthetic grass in replacement for the natural grass. Fake grass helps the homeowners have good-looking lawns with little to no maintenance. Aside from that, artificial grass is also helping to keep away all the pests such as rodents that could cause a significant damage to lawns once they spread and invade your lawn.

    On the other hand, one of the most appealing reasons why people switch to synthetic grass is the effect of it to the environment. Artificial grass is not needed to be watered so you will never have to install running sprinklers or any other watering systems all over the lawn. It is especially crucial in states with warm weather conditions such as California that is frequently dealing with chronic droughts.

    Water management is never a big issue to deal with when it comes to landscaping. A million thanks to the concept of artificial grass. People now have the best alternative to use in making their homes more pleasing. When planning to install an artificial grass, make sure that you will be choosing quality products. There are many companies that sell artificial grass like AllGreen Grass. Check out their website today to learn more about their products.

    May 18, 2015   |   Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Facts, Water Drought, Save Water, Energy Conservation, Conserve Water, Water Management, Water Conservation Tips, Drought, Ways To Save Water, Conserving Water

    Ways to Conserve Water with Fake Grass

    Gardeners like you can now start saving water through the use of artificial grass for their landscapes as replacement for the natural grass. The usual lawn is short, green and lush. When the weather is hot, natural grass should be paid with more attention and care. There is the need for more water, which means you will be spend more on your water bills for your lawn when the summer time kicks in. During this season, it has to be watered and maintained frequently and you may need to do it every day, perhaps.

    When the weather is warm, the natural grass should be watered more often so as to keep the soil moist and to keep the grass in their healthy and good condition. If there is no adequate supply of water, chances are that your lawn will be in bad state as the soil would dry out and this will prevent the root zone of the grass from absorbing the essential nutrients from the soil. In times that there is no ample of supply of water, but you want to keep a beautiful landscape at home, you should turn to this option. Artificial grass will always make your lawn attractive throughout the year without commanding you to water and maintain it often.

    With fake grass, you will never have to water your lawn. You don't need to install running sprinklers of water or any water watering systems that may cost you more. You will only need to clean and maintain the grass for some time throughout the year. Thus, your lawn will always look great and beautiful day and night, and whether it rains or shines.

    If you're concerned regarding the environment or you just like to lessen your monthly utility bills, finding great ways to conserve water is the best place to begin. For more people, changing from the natural grass lawn to the synthetic ones is a way wherein they prefer to save water. You might not realize just how many water it needs to keep your landscape looking green and healthy yet when you see and realize the difference.

    Saving water is more than a personal cost concern. It also helps to conserve the environment. It is fundamentally a desert which has been flooded with water-consuming lawns and swimming pools. The arrival of deviant moisture within the area has made the weather change and through switching to an artificial lawn, you are doing what you can do to help change this back.

    One of the major reasons why it took time for the synthetic lawn to gain popularity and recognition is that the old-fashioned ones did not look much the same with the natural grass. There are some brands that were little more than green-painted spongy turf. There are some that are with blades which were very rough so they can cause abrasions and scratches once they come to contact with your skin. Today, artificial grass is very much appreciated by most homeowners and even business owners today.

    To sum it up, artificial grass can help you save water in these ways:

    May 14, 2015   |   Fake Grass, Fake Grass, Water Conservation, Water Conservation, Water Shortage, Water Shortage, Water Drought, Water Drought, Save Water, Save Water, Water Conservation Tips, Ways To Save Water, Ways To Save Water, How To Conserve Water, How To Conserve Water, Conserving Water, Conserving Water, Conserve Water, Conserve Water, How To Save Water, How To Save Water, Ways To Conserve Water, Ways To Conserve Water, Water Management, Water Management, Water Conservation Tips
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